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Last week, Intelligent Glass launched our anticipated 2019/2020 Reseller Price List. If you are on our mailing list, you will have received an invite to request your copy in our last email broadcast. However, not to worry if you are not a member of our mailing list! You can request one from us at any time at the bottom of this post or via our Price List Request page and you can sign up to receive our email broadcasts via our Newsletter Sign-Up page.

This year’s Price List is particularly exciting, seeing the launch of a range of new product options and sizes that have been worked on by us to ensure that we are offering the best possible product range possible to our customers.

As our customers have come to expect, we respond to their product feedback every year and are continuously reworking our size and product options to make our product ranges ever more appropriate.

Contact us today to find out more and get your copy of our 2019/2020 Reseller Price List.

Request a Price List

Intelligent Glass offers a wide range of Switchable Smart Glass solutions with options including Toughened Glass, Laminated Panels, Smart Glass Windows and the retrofit Self-Adhesive Switchable Film.

If you would like further information, a pricing quote, or to discuss ideas for using our Switchable Smart Glass and Smart Film products, please get in touch using the form below, or call us on +44 (0)1226 351 759.