When a writer for a national newspaper approaches you to contribute to an article about your products, it would be rude not to offer whatever help possible. This exact situation occurred last week when a writer contributing for the Daily Mail approached us asking for information regarding Switchable Smart Glass.
In his stellar piece, freelance author and journalist Daniel Pembrey evaluates the use of Switchable Smart Glass in the home – an application we are all too familiar with. Offering readers a fair and robust assessment of this technology in the home, Pembrey elegantly guides them through various places Switchable Glass works well around the home, painting an amazing picture with his wording.
Calling in our Sales Director, Jamie Conroy, to offer a quote as well as working with us to accurately assess this product, Pembrey was able to perfectly capture the essence of how well Switchable Glass can be applied in the home to achieve stylish privacy. Focusing in on one of our most impressive projects, Pembrey spoke to Matt White, a previous customer who designed the award-winning Number 23 project. In his comment, Matt White mentions how well his installation still works, stating, ‘I had concerns that this would fail or degrade over time, but it hasn’t. […] I’d do it again.’
Pembrey even goes into the cost effectiveness of the technology, explaining to readers that Switchable Smart Film is more cost effective than Glass, however, as we would explain to customers ourselves, there are significant differences between the 2 formats that lend themselves well to different applications. To top it off, Pembrey finishes his piece discussing the future of Switchable Smart Glass and recent developments in the industry.
Intelligent Glass are proud to have had the opportunity to contribute to this piece and working with Pembrey was a genuine pleasure. We hope that this information in the Daily Mail helps bring Switchable Glass to the minds of readers, introducing its marvels and educating them on finer details of the technology to help them make informed purchasing decisions.
Have you got an idea for writing about Switchable Technology? As industry leaders, we are well placed to offer expert advice regarding anything about Switchable Smart Glass solutions.
If you would like to discuss an idea for featuring Intelligent Glass in your publication, please please email sean.brown@prodisplay.com or call us on +44 (0)1226 351 759.