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Number 23 is a multi award-winning family house constructed on a vacant end-of-terrace site in West London.

The signature ‘floating box’ window on the front elevation is made extra special through the use of Intelligent Glass switchable film, turning from frosted to clear at the press of a button.

The simple frontage conceals a house that is 30% bigger than its neighbours, despite occupying a 20% smaller plot. And although the design has a distinctly playful tone, its architectural intentions are serious: it’s designed to demanding Code 4 environmental standards.

Intelligent Glass’s Self-Adhesive Switchable Film brings light into every room in the house, whilst providing instant privacy whenever it’s needed. At night time, with the internal lights on and the switchable panels in opaque mode, a warm diffuse glow is cast to the street outside.

Such generous glazing means that daylight fills every room in the house, even the basement, and is complemented by a combination of rooflights and sunpipes.

Jamie Conroy at Intelligent Glass says: “Our switchable glass technology ticks many boxes for architects and designers, allowing windows to play new architectural roles that are both visually striking and practical. And switchable glass has its green credentials too, offering additional insulation benefits over plain glass windows.”

“We were very pleased to work closely with the architect, the installer and the client on this beautiful, practical and unique project.”

Thanks go to photographer Will Pryce for these photos of Number 23